859 Bouzaréah

859 Bouzaréah, provisional designation 1916 c, is a dark asteroid from the asteroid belt about 74 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered by French astronomer Frédéric Sy at the Algiers Observatory in Algeria, North Africa, on 2 October 1916. The asteroid orbits the Sun at a distance of 2.9–3.6 AU about once every 6 years (2,117 days) and rotates around its axis in 23 hours. Its low geometric albedo of 0.047 has been measured by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, IRAS.

859 Bouzaréah

859 Bouzaréah, provisional designation 1916 c, is a dark asteroid from the asteroid belt about 74 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered by French astronomer Frédéric Sy at the Algiers Observatory in Algeria, North Africa, on 2 October 1916. The asteroid orbits the Sun at a distance of 2.9–3.6 AU about once every 6 years (2,117 days) and rotates around its axis in 23 hours. Its low geometric albedo of 0.047 has been measured by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, IRAS.