8th Coastal Defence Flotilla

The 8th Coastal Defence Flotilla (8th CDF) is one of three tactical unit of the Polish Navy, composed of 6 main sub-units. The 8th CDF was established in 1965. In 1994 it was named after vice-admiral Kazimierz PORĘBSKI. The flotilla consists of three ship squadrons and two shore units, supported by Naval Base ŚWINOUJŚCIE. The unit operates various combat ships and auxiliary vessels such as minelayers, minesweepers, landing crafts and logistic support vessels. The main base of 8th CDF is Swinoujscie Harbour.Its main tasks are: defence of the Polish Coast and sea zone, minecountermeasure (MCM), minelaying, transporting the army, and search and rescue (SAR) missions.

8th Coastal Defence Flotilla

The 8th Coastal Defence Flotilla (8th CDF) is one of three tactical unit of the Polish Navy, composed of 6 main sub-units. The 8th CDF was established in 1965. In 1994 it was named after vice-admiral Kazimierz PORĘBSKI. The flotilla consists of three ship squadrons and two shore units, supported by Naval Base ŚWINOUJŚCIE. The unit operates various combat ships and auxiliary vessels such as minelayers, minesweepers, landing crafts and logistic support vessels. The main base of 8th CDF is Swinoujscie Harbour.Its main tasks are: defence of the Polish Coast and sea zone, minecountermeasure (MCM), minelaying, transporting the army, and search and rescue (SAR) missions.