
Aída is a Spanish comedy sitcom that aired in Telecinco from January 16, 2005 to June 8, 2014. Set in Madrid, a spin off from another sitcom called 7 Vidas. The show was broadcast from January 16, 2005 to June 8, 2014 by the Spanish network Telecinco and was produced by Globomedia. The show stars Carmen Machi as the title character, Aída García, a working, single mother with two teenage children, forced to move in with her mother and brother to make ends meet. The Polish remake of the series began airing in March 2012 on TVP2 channel.


Aída is a Spanish comedy sitcom that aired in Telecinco from January 16, 2005 to June 8, 2014. Set in Madrid, a spin off from another sitcom called 7 Vidas. The show was broadcast from January 16, 2005 to June 8, 2014 by the Spanish network Telecinco and was produced by Globomedia. The show stars Carmen Machi as the title character, Aída García, a working, single mother with two teenage children, forced to move in with her mother and brother to make ends meet. The Polish remake of the series began airing in March 2012 on TVP2 channel.