AIBO (Artificial Intelligence Robot, homonymous with aibō (相棒), "pal" or "partner" in Japanese) is an iconic series of robotic pets designed and manufactured by Sony. Sony announced a prototype robot in mid-1998. The first consumer model was introduced on May 11, 1999. New models were released every year until 2005. Although most models were dog-like, other inspirations included lion-cubs and space explorer, and only the final ERS-7 version was explicitly a "robot dog". AIBOs have been used in many movies, music videos and advertising campaigns as futuristic icons.


AIBO (Artificial Intelligence Robot, homonymous with aibō (相棒), "pal" or "partner" in Japanese) is an iconic series of robotic pets designed and manufactured by Sony. Sony announced a prototype robot in mid-1998. The first consumer model was introduced on May 11, 1999. New models were released every year until 2005. Although most models were dog-like, other inspirations included lion-cubs and space explorer, and only the final ERS-7 version was explicitly a "robot dog". AIBOs have been used in many movies, music videos and advertising campaigns as futuristic icons.