ALF: The Animated Series

ALF: The Animated Series (also known as ALF on Melmac) is a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series and a spin-off based on the live-action sitcom ALF that aired for 26 episodes on NBC from September 26, 1987 to January 7, 1989. ALF Tales was a spin-off from the series that also ran on NBC on Saturdays from September 1988 to December 1989.

ALF: The Animated Series

ALF: The Animated Series (also known as ALF on Melmac) is a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series and a spin-off based on the live-action sitcom ALF that aired for 26 episodes on NBC from September 26, 1987 to January 7, 1989. ALF Tales was a spin-off from the series that also ran on NBC on Saturdays from September 1988 to December 1989.