AMBER is the acronym of AMerican Bridge for the Excellence in Research with Europe. This project started on 1 January 2013, and will finish at the end of 2014. The increasing exchange between LAC (Latin American Countries) and European countries in the last decades makes some initiatives more attractive than others. Among them, is considered the access point to attractive research careers in Europe. With more than 200 centers located in 38 European countries, the EURAXESS service centers support the mobility of researchers and aim to secure better working conditions for researchers in Europe.


AMBER is the acronym of AMerican Bridge for the Excellence in Research with Europe. This project started on 1 January 2013, and will finish at the end of 2014. The increasing exchange between LAC (Latin American Countries) and European countries in the last decades makes some initiatives more attractive than others. Among them, is considered the access point to attractive research careers in Europe. With more than 200 centers located in 38 European countries, the EURAXESS service centers support the mobility of researchers and aim to secure better working conditions for researchers in Europe.