AT&T Labs

AT&T Labs, Inc. is the research & development division of AT&T. It employs some 1800 people in various locations, including: Bedminster NJ; Middletown, NJ; Manhattan, NY; Warrenville, IL (Integrated Test Network); Austin, TX; Atlanta, GA; San Francisco, CA; San Ramon, CA; and Redmond, WA (Mobility Test Center). AT&T Labs – Research, the 450-person research division of AT&T Labs, is based in the Bedminster, Middletown, San Francisco, and Manhattan locations.

AT&T Labs

AT&T Labs, Inc. is the research & development division of AT&T. It employs some 1800 people in various locations, including: Bedminster NJ; Middletown, NJ; Manhattan, NY; Warrenville, IL (Integrated Test Network); Austin, TX; Atlanta, GA; San Francisco, CA; San Ramon, CA; and Redmond, WA (Mobility Test Center). AT&T Labs – Research, the 450-person research division of AT&T Labs, is based in the Bedminster, Middletown, San Francisco, and Manhattan locations.