A Bright Shining Lie (film)

A Bright Shining Lie is an 1998 American television film based on Neil Sheehan's book of the same name and the true story of John Paul Vann's experience in the Vietnam War. It stars Bill Paxton, Amy Madigan, Vivian Wu, Donal Logue, Eric Bogosian and Kurtwood Smith and is written and directed by Terry George, and produced by Greg Ricketson.

A Bright Shining Lie (film)

A Bright Shining Lie is an 1998 American television film based on Neil Sheehan's book of the same name and the true story of John Paul Vann's experience in the Vietnam War. It stars Bill Paxton, Amy Madigan, Vivian Wu, Donal Logue, Eric Bogosian and Kurtwood Smith and is written and directed by Terry George, and produced by Greg Ricketson.