A Place Where Runaways Are Not Alone

A Place Where Runaways Are Not Alone is the sixth studio album by American indie-folk, gypsy-punk group Insomniac Folklore. It was recorded by band leader Tyler Hentschel while in St Louis, Missouri at a friends recording studio and released on 13 May 2011 on BD Recs, an independent label based out of St Louis. The albums drums were tracked out of Viking Camel Studio in Pennsylvania. Other parts were recorded remotely in Portland and Scotland and later mixed in St Louis. in The album artwork shows a girl facing a circus ten with a cross on top. Art and layout was created by Tyler Hentschel.

A Place Where Runaways Are Not Alone

A Place Where Runaways Are Not Alone is the sixth studio album by American indie-folk, gypsy-punk group Insomniac Folklore. It was recorded by band leader Tyler Hentschel while in St Louis, Missouri at a friends recording studio and released on 13 May 2011 on BD Recs, an independent label based out of St Louis. The albums drums were tracked out of Viking Camel Studio in Pennsylvania. Other parts were recorded remotely in Portland and Scotland and later mixed in St Louis. in The album artwork shows a girl facing a circus ten with a cross on top. Art and layout was created by Tyler Hentschel.