
Absol (Japanese: アブソル Hepburn: Abusoru) is a fictional creature in the Pokémon franchise. It was first introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Absol is a Pokémon that can predict natural disasters, and due to its attempts at warning humans of said disasters, it has been erroneously labeled as a doom-bringer. Absol also appears in the animated series and in a film, as well as in other Pokémon-related games and merchandise. Since its introduction, Absol has been well received by critics and fans, with most of the praise being toward its design.


Absol (Japanese: アブソル Hepburn: Abusoru) is a fictional creature in the Pokémon franchise. It was first introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Absol is a Pokémon that can predict natural disasters, and due to its attempts at warning humans of said disasters, it has been erroneously labeled as a doom-bringer. Absol also appears in the animated series and in a film, as well as in other Pokémon-related games and merchandise. Since its introduction, Absol has been well received by critics and fans, with most of the praise being toward its design.