Abu Thabit

Abu Thabit served briefly as governor of Tarsus for the Abbasid Caliphate in 900. Governor Ibn al-Ikhshad left him behind in the city as his deputy and successor when the former went on a raid against the Byzantine Empire in late 899/early 900. Ibn al-Ikhshad was killed during the raid, and Abu Thabit succeeded him. He soon had to face a Byzantine counter-raid, which in March 900 reached the gates of Tarsus. Abu Thabit pursued the Byzantines to the river Rayhan (unidentified), but there was defeated and captured. According to al-Tabari, along with other Muslim prisoners he was taken prisoner to Iconium and thence to Constantinople.

Abu Thabit

Abu Thabit served briefly as governor of Tarsus for the Abbasid Caliphate in 900. Governor Ibn al-Ikhshad left him behind in the city as his deputy and successor when the former went on a raid against the Byzantine Empire in late 899/early 900. Ibn al-Ikhshad was killed during the raid, and Abu Thabit succeeded him. He soon had to face a Byzantine counter-raid, which in March 900 reached the gates of Tarsus. Abu Thabit pursued the Byzantines to the river Rayhan (unidentified), but there was defeated and captured. According to al-Tabari, along with other Muslim prisoners he was taken prisoner to Iconium and thence to Constantinople.