Acacia senegal

Acacia senegal (synonym: Senegalia senegal) is a small thorny deciduous tree from the genus Acacia, which is known by several common names, including Gum acacia, Gum arabic tree, Senegal gum and Sudan gum arabic. In parts of India, it is known as Kher or Khor. It is native to semi-desert regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as Oman, Pakistan, west coastal India. It grows to a height of 5-12m, with a trunk up to 30 cm in diameter. A. senegal is the source of the world's highest quality gum arabic, known locally as hashab gum in contrast to the related, but inferior, gum arabic from Red acacia or talah gum.

Acacia senegal

Acacia senegal (synonym: Senegalia senegal) is a small thorny deciduous tree from the genus Acacia, which is known by several common names, including Gum acacia, Gum arabic tree, Senegal gum and Sudan gum arabic. In parts of India, it is known as Kher or Khor. It is native to semi-desert regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as Oman, Pakistan, west coastal India. It grows to a height of 5-12m, with a trunk up to 30 cm in diameter. A. senegal is the source of the world's highest quality gum arabic, known locally as hashab gum in contrast to the related, but inferior, gum arabic from Red acacia or talah gum.