Ace & Son

Ace & Son Moving Picture Co. LLC is a design and animation production company in New York City. The company's work has a wide range of looks and animation styles, utilizing computer graphics, puppets, stop motion and a diverse selection of illustration. Ace & Son was founded in 2011 by Richard O'Connor after dissolving Asterisk Animation, which he co-founded in 2003 after several years of producing for R. O. Blechman at The Ink Tank. The company is currently in production on Elliot Cowan's Stressful Adventures of Boxhead & Roundhead feature film.

Ace & Son

Ace & Son Moving Picture Co. LLC is a design and animation production company in New York City. The company's work has a wide range of looks and animation styles, utilizing computer graphics, puppets, stop motion and a diverse selection of illustration. Ace & Son was founded in 2011 by Richard O'Connor after dissolving Asterisk Animation, which he co-founded in 2003 after several years of producing for R. O. Blechman at The Ink Tank. The company is currently in production on Elliot Cowan's Stressful Adventures of Boxhead & Roundhead feature film.