
Acrobunch (魔境伝説アクロバンチ Makyō Densetsu Akurobanchi, lit. "Acrobunch: The Legend of the Demon Lands") is a mecha anime series aired in 1982. There were 24 episodes. It is also referred to as "Demon Region Legendary Acrobunch", "'Demon Regions Legend Acrobunch", "'Ruins Legend Acrobunch", "'Acrobanch".


Acrobunch (魔境伝説アクロバンチ Makyō Densetsu Akurobanchi, lit. "Acrobunch: The Legend of the Demon Lands") is a mecha anime series aired in 1982. There were 24 episodes. It is also referred to as "Demon Region Legendary Acrobunch", "'Demon Regions Legend Acrobunch", "'Ruins Legend Acrobunch", "'Acrobanch".