Adam (1992 film)

Adam is a 1991 British 6-minute stop motion clay animated short film written, animated and directed by Peter Lord of Aardman Animations. It was nominated for an Academy Award for best short film, and won the equivalent award at BAFTA in 1992 as well as the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in 1993. It is based on the beginning of the Book of Genesis. It was distributed by Aardman Animations.

Adam (1992 film)

Adam is a 1991 British 6-minute stop motion clay animated short film written, animated and directed by Peter Lord of Aardman Animations. It was nominated for an Academy Award for best short film, and won the equivalent award at BAFTA in 1992 as well as the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in 1993. It is based on the beginning of the Book of Genesis. It was distributed by Aardman Animations.