
Adin /ˈɑːdɪn/ is an uncommon family name found today in England, the United States (particularly New York City), New Zealand, Sweden, the Basque country, Turkey and Israel. Since the name occurs in the Old Testament, it has been suggested that the name has Jewish origins since it is mentioned in the Bible four times. However, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain have no records of this as a Jewish family name. The Consolidated Jewish Family Name Index of U.S.-based Avotaynu indicates Adin is a Jewish family name that existed in Poland and Belarus. However this may be a phonetic coincidence since a name with so few letters might exist in every culture.


Adin /ˈɑːdɪn/ is an uncommon family name found today in England, the United States (particularly New York City), New Zealand, Sweden, the Basque country, Turkey and Israel. Since the name occurs in the Old Testament, it has been suggested that the name has Jewish origins since it is mentioned in the Bible four times. However, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain have no records of this as a Jewish family name. The Consolidated Jewish Family Name Index of U.S.-based Avotaynu indicates Adin is a Jewish family name that existed in Poland and Belarus. However this may be a phonetic coincidence since a name with so few letters might exist in every culture.