Afgekia mahidolae

Kan pai mahidol or kan pai is a type of vine named Afgekia mahidolae Burtt et Chermsir. in the Leguminosae family. It is found in Kanchanaburi province, Thailand. Its leaves are compound with numerous leaflets. The stem has several petiolules. The dorsal side of the leaf has brown colored hairs. The flower is an erect panicle with white and purple color. The pod is flat, short and round. It's scientific name is given in the honor of her royal highness princess Srinagarindra, the princess mother.

Afgekia mahidolae

Kan pai mahidol or kan pai is a type of vine named Afgekia mahidolae Burtt et Chermsir. in the Leguminosae family. It is found in Kanchanaburi province, Thailand. Its leaves are compound with numerous leaflets. The stem has several petiolules. The dorsal side of the leaf has brown colored hairs. The flower is an erect panicle with white and purple color. The pod is flat, short and round. It's scientific name is given in the honor of her royal highness princess Srinagarindra, the princess mother.