After Saturday Comes Sunday

After Saturday Comes Sunday (Arabic: min sallaf es-sabt lāqā el-ḥadd qiddāmūh‎‎), lit, 'When Saturday is gone, one will find Sunday', is a traditional Arab proverb. It has been documented in Egypt and Syria-Lebanon, in the form: sállẹf ẹs-sábt bẹtlâqi l-ḥádd qẹddâmẹk ('Loan Saturday (out), and you will find Sunday before you'), as meaning "the good or bad you do comes back to you",[source needs translation]

After Saturday Comes Sunday

After Saturday Comes Sunday (Arabic: min sallaf es-sabt lāqā el-ḥadd qiddāmūh‎‎), lit, 'When Saturday is gone, one will find Sunday', is a traditional Arab proverb. It has been documented in Egypt and Syria-Lebanon, in the form: sállẹf ẹs-sábt bẹtlâqi l-ḥádd qẹddâmẹk ('Loan Saturday (out), and you will find Sunday before you'), as meaning "the good or bad you do comes back to you",[source needs translation]