Age of 369

Age of 369 (Miroku no yo) is an album by the Japanese noise musician Merzbow. The title is a reference to Onisaburo Deguchi, the founder of Oomoto. Onisaburo claimed to be the Maitreya (the future Buddha), which is Miroku in Japanese. 369 is Goroawase wordplay for Miroku. The original track titles are taken from Ultraman monsters. The album was compiled with Chant 2 as Age of 369/Chant 2 in 1996 by Extreme Records.

Age of 369

Age of 369 (Miroku no yo) is an album by the Japanese noise musician Merzbow. The title is a reference to Onisaburo Deguchi, the founder of Oomoto. Onisaburo claimed to be the Maitreya (the future Buddha), which is Miroku in Japanese. 369 is Goroawase wordplay for Miroku. The original track titles are taken from Ultraman monsters. The album was compiled with Chant 2 as Age of 369/Chant 2 in 1996 by Extreme Records.