Aharit Hayamim

Aharit Hayamim ("End of Days") is an Israeli reggae fusion band formed in Jerusalem in 2002. The music of Aharit Hayamim is described as a "mix of reggae, Carlebach, rock, and various ethnic musical styles." Redemption and unity are central themes in their lyrics. The band is influenced by the Hasidic rabbi Nachman of Breslov and recorded some of its 2004 demo in the Ukrainian city of Uman, a popular Breslov pilgrimage site. Two of Aharit Hayamim's members grew up in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc, but are now based in Jerusalem. Aharit Hayamim also organizes a yearly festival of the same name, held near the Judea and Samaria village of Bat Ayin, which attracts a mixed religious and secular audience of more than 1,000 people.

Aharit Hayamim

Aharit Hayamim ("End of Days") is an Israeli reggae fusion band formed in Jerusalem in 2002. The music of Aharit Hayamim is described as a "mix of reggae, Carlebach, rock, and various ethnic musical styles." Redemption and unity are central themes in their lyrics. The band is influenced by the Hasidic rabbi Nachman of Breslov and recorded some of its 2004 demo in the Ukrainian city of Uman, a popular Breslov pilgrimage site. Two of Aharit Hayamim's members grew up in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc, but are now based in Jerusalem. Aharit Hayamim also organizes a yearly festival of the same name, held near the Judea and Samaria village of Bat Ayin, which attracts a mixed religious and secular audience of more than 1,000 people.