
Akogare (あこがれ) is a Japanese slice of life romance shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Chieko Hosokawa. It was serialized in Kodansha's Bessatsu Friend manga magazine and a total of five volumes were published. A 24-episode live action television drama series adaptation, Hanayomeishō wa Dare ga Kiru (花嫁衣裳は誰が着る), was broadcast on Fuji Television from April 23 to October 15, 1986.


Akogare (あこがれ) is a Japanese slice of life romance shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Chieko Hosokawa. It was serialized in Kodansha's Bessatsu Friend manga magazine and a total of five volumes were published. A 24-episode live action television drama series adaptation, Hanayomeishō wa Dare ga Kiru (花嫁衣裳は誰が着る), was broadcast on Fuji Television from April 23 to October 15, 1986.