Albert, Alfred and Chris Schlechten

Albert (1876 – 1961), Alfred (May 24, 1877 – November 1970), and Alfred "Chris" Schlechten (May 9, 1911 – November 1979) were members of a family noted for their photography of Montana, especially their images of Gallatin County, Montana, and Yellowstone National Park. Headquartered in Bozeman, Montana, brothers Alfred and Albert started a family photography business in 1900, and the business continued until the death of Alfred's son Chris Schlechten in the late 1970s. The heirs of the Schlechten family sold an extensive collection of the photographs taken by the three men to the Museum of the Rockies in 1980.

Albert, Alfred and Chris Schlechten

Albert (1876 – 1961), Alfred (May 24, 1877 – November 1970), and Alfred "Chris" Schlechten (May 9, 1911 – November 1979) were members of a family noted for their photography of Montana, especially their images of Gallatin County, Montana, and Yellowstone National Park. Headquartered in Bozeman, Montana, brothers Alfred and Albert started a family photography business in 1900, and the business continued until the death of Alfred's son Chris Schlechten in the late 1970s. The heirs of the Schlechten family sold an extensive collection of the photographs taken by the three men to the Museum of the Rockies in 1980.