Algerian Civil War

The Algerian Civil War was an armed conflict between the Algerian Government and various Islamic rebel groups which began in 1991 following a coup negating an Islamist electoral victory. The war began slowly as it first appeared the government had successfully crushed the Islamist movement, but armed groups emerged to fight jihad and by 1994-5 violence reached such a level that it appeared the government might not be able to withstand it. By 1996-7 however it became clear that the violence and predation of the Islamists had lost its popular support, although fighting continued for several years after.

Algerian Civil War

The Algerian Civil War was an armed conflict between the Algerian Government and various Islamic rebel groups which began in 1991 following a coup negating an Islamist electoral victory. The war began slowly as it first appeared the government had successfully crushed the Islamist movement, but armed groups emerged to fight jihad and by 1994-5 violence reached such a level that it appeared the government might not be able to withstand it. By 1996-7 however it became clear that the violence and predation of the Islamists had lost its popular support, although fighting continued for several years after.