Alive Naturalsound Records discography

The following is a discography for Alive Naturalsound Records, an American independent music label founded in 1994. The label regularly releases albums both digitally, on CD, and on vinyl. The label is also known for releasing the debut albums by bands such as The Black Keys, Two Gallants, Radio Moscow, Black Diamond Heavies, and Buffalo Killers. The label has also released a number of reissues of musicians such as Nathaniel Mayer and The Nerves, as well as several compilation albums.

Alive Naturalsound Records discography

The following is a discography for Alive Naturalsound Records, an American independent music label founded in 1994. The label regularly releases albums both digitally, on CD, and on vinyl. The label is also known for releasing the debut albums by bands such as The Black Keys, Two Gallants, Radio Moscow, Black Diamond Heavies, and Buffalo Killers. The label has also released a number of reissues of musicians such as Nathaniel Mayer and The Nerves, as well as several compilation albums.