Allentown Jail

"Allentown Jail" is a folk-style song. Written by Irving Gordon, it tells the story of a man who is caught stealing a diamond for his girlfriend and ends up in the Allentown jail. In 1951, Jo Stafford recorded this song. It was released as a single on Columbia Records. In 1960, Kathy Linden recorded it as her first single on Monument Records. The song became popular in the folk scene. The Kingston Trio recorded a version in 1962 with plans of releasing it as a single, but the single never came to fruition. Their version has since been released on various CD compilations of their works.

Allentown Jail

"Allentown Jail" is a folk-style song. Written by Irving Gordon, it tells the story of a man who is caught stealing a diamond for his girlfriend and ends up in the Allentown jail. In 1951, Jo Stafford recorded this song. It was released as a single on Columbia Records. In 1960, Kathy Linden recorded it as her first single on Monument Records. The song became popular in the folk scene. The Kingston Trio recorded a version in 1962 with plans of releasing it as a single, but the single never came to fruition. Their version has since been released on various CD compilations of their works.