Amur Acquisition

The Amur Annexation refers to the incorporation of the southeast corner of Siberia into Russia in 1858–60. The two areas involved are the Priamurye between the Amur River and the Stanovoy Range to the north and the Primorye which runs down the coast from the Amur mouth to the Korean border; and does not include Sakhalin Island. The territory of Outer Manchuria was formerly under the control of the Qing dynasty.

Amur Acquisition

The Amur Annexation refers to the incorporation of the southeast corner of Siberia into Russia in 1858–60. The two areas involved are the Priamurye between the Amur River and the Stanovoy Range to the north and the Primorye which runs down the coast from the Amur mouth to the Korean border; and does not include Sakhalin Island. The territory of Outer Manchuria was formerly under the control of the Qing dynasty.