And I Love Her

"And I Love Her" is a song recorded by English rock band the Beatles, written mainly by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon–McCartney). Being the fifth track on their third album, A Hard Day's Night, it was released 20 July 1964 with "If I Fell" as a single by Capitol Records in the United States, reaching No. 12 on the Billboard Hot 100. The Beatles performed "And I Love Her" just once outside Abbey Road Studios; on 14 July 1964 they played it for an edition of the BBC's Top Gear radio show, which was broadcast two days later.

And I Love Her

"And I Love Her" is a song recorded by English rock band the Beatles, written mainly by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon–McCartney). Being the fifth track on their third album, A Hard Day's Night, it was released 20 July 1964 with "If I Fell" as a single by Capitol Records in the United States, reaching No. 12 on the Billboard Hot 100. The Beatles performed "And I Love Her" just once outside Abbey Road Studios; on 14 July 1964 they played it for an edition of the BBC's Top Gear radio show, which was broadcast two days later.