Angel Eyes (1946 song)

"Angel Eyes" is a 1946 popular song composed by Matt Dennis, with lyrics by Earl Brent. It was featured in the 1953 film Jennifer. First edition by Dorsey Bros Music a Div. of Music Sales Corp (ASCAP) 1946 (Renewed). <score vorbis="1" midi="1">elative c' { << ew ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t\chordmode { c2:m7 d4.:m7.5- g8:7.5+ | c2:m7 aes:7 | c:m7 a:m7.5- d:m7.5- g:7.5+}} ew Staff { empo "Slow blues"\key ees \majorr8 c g' ges~ ges4. f8 | ees4 imes 2/3 { ees8 c ees~ } ees2 | r8 c ees g d' d c g~ | g1 }>>}</score>

Angel Eyes (1946 song)

"Angel Eyes" is a 1946 popular song composed by Matt Dennis, with lyrics by Earl Brent. It was featured in the 1953 film Jennifer. First edition by Dorsey Bros Music a Div. of Music Sales Corp (ASCAP) 1946 (Renewed). <score vorbis="1" midi="1">elative c' { << ew ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t\chordmode { c2:m7 d4.:m7.5- g8:7.5+ | c2:m7 aes:7 | c:m7 a:m7.5- d:m7.5- g:7.5+}} ew Staff { empo "Slow blues"\key ees \majorr8 c g' ges~ ges4. f8 | ees4 imes 2/3 { ees8 c ees~ } ees2 | r8 c ees g d' d c g~ | g1 }>>}</score>