Anime Limited

Anime Limited, also known as All the Anime is a British anime distribution company based in Glasgow, Scotland. It releases anime for British, Irish, French and all other European audiences. The company was established in 2013 by Andrew Partridge, best known from his role in Scotland Loves Anime. The company releases both old and new anime titles. Since 2015, it serves as the main British and Irish distributors for North American anime distributor Funimation.

Anime Limited

Anime Limited, also known as All the Anime is a British anime distribution company based in Glasgow, Scotland. It releases anime for British, Irish, French and all other European audiences. The company was established in 2013 by Andrew Partridge, best known from his role in Scotland Loves Anime. The company releases both old and new anime titles. Since 2015, it serves as the main British and Irish distributors for North American anime distributor Funimation.