Answer to History

Answer to History (French: Réponse à l'histoire; Persian, پاسُخ بِه تاریخ (Pāsokh be Tārikh)) is a memoir written by the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, shortly after his overthrow in 1979 by Islamic revolutionaries. The book was originally written in French and was translated into English and Persian, as well as other languages, and was published posthumously in 1980.

Answer to History

Answer to History (French: Réponse à l'histoire; Persian, پاسُخ بِه تاریخ (Pāsokh be Tārikh)) is a memoir written by the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, shortly after his overthrow in 1979 by Islamic revolutionaries. The book was originally written in French and was translated into English and Persian, as well as other languages, and was published posthumously in 1980.