Antes de Você

"Antes de Você" is a single by Titãs, released on May 7, 2009. It is composed and sung by Paulo Miklos. Regarding the song, he stated the following: Most of the times, we create defenses and recover. Many of us have to live with it for the rest of our lives. But in the case of this song, we definitely surrender to it. There's no more powerful influence than love! The song is currently being used in the Rede Globo telenovela Caras & Bocas (Faces & Mouths), as the character Vicente's theme.

Antes de Você

"Antes de Você" is a single by Titãs, released on May 7, 2009. It is composed and sung by Paulo Miklos. Regarding the song, he stated the following: Most of the times, we create defenses and recover. Many of us have to live with it for the rest of our lives. But in the case of this song, we definitely surrender to it. There's no more powerful influence than love! The song is currently being used in the Rede Globo telenovela Caras & Bocas (Faces & Mouths), as the character Vicente's theme.