Antibody (film)

Antibody is a 2002 science fiction thriller directed and edited by Christian McIntire that debuted as a Sci Fi Pictures TV-movie on the Sci Fi Channel on February 8, 2002. A scientist (Lance Henriksen) leads a team in an experimental miniaturized craft injected into the bloodstream of a dying terrorist (Julian Vergov) whose body conceals a computer chip that will trigger a nuclear explosion in the U.S. Capitol Building in less than 24 hours.

Antibody (film)

Antibody is a 2002 science fiction thriller directed and edited by Christian McIntire that debuted as a Sci Fi Pictures TV-movie on the Sci Fi Channel on February 8, 2002. A scientist (Lance Henriksen) leads a team in an experimental miniaturized craft injected into the bloodstream of a dying terrorist (Julian Vergov) whose body conceals a computer chip that will trigger a nuclear explosion in the U.S. Capitol Building in less than 24 hours.