
Antiphilosophy has been used as a denigrating word but recently it has acquired more positive connotations as an opposition to more traditional philosophy.The views of Ludwig Wittgenstein, specifically his metaphilosophy, could be said to be antiphilosophy. Antiphilosophy is anti-theoretical, critical of a priori justifications, andsees philosophical problems as misconceptions that are to be therapeutically dissolved.


Antiphilosophy has been used as a denigrating word but recently it has acquired more positive connotations as an opposition to more traditional philosophy.The views of Ludwig Wittgenstein, specifically his metaphilosophy, could be said to be antiphilosophy. Antiphilosophy is anti-theoretical, critical of a priori justifications, andsees philosophical problems as misconceptions that are to be therapeutically dissolved.