Apollo's Song

Apollo's Song (アポロの歌 Aporo no Uta) is a manga by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Shukan Shōnen Kingu in Japan in 1970 (1970/04/26-1970/11/22) and was published in English translation in 2007. The story follows a neglected and abused boy, Shogo, who does not have any feelings of love. Through a series of visions spanning the past and future, Shogo explores the meaning of love between man and woman.

Apollo's Song

Apollo's Song (アポロの歌 Aporo no Uta) is a manga by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Shukan Shōnen Kingu in Japan in 1970 (1970/04/26-1970/11/22) and was published in English translation in 2007. The story follows a neglected and abused boy, Shogo, who does not have any feelings of love. Through a series of visions spanning the past and future, Shogo explores the meaning of love between man and woman.