Aporophyla australis

The Feathered Brindle (Aporophyla australis) is a species of moth in the Noctuidae family. It is found in western and southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The wingspan is 36–42 mm.Forewing whitish grey with a slight lilac tinge; the veins darker, the costa, inner margin narrowly, a median shade between the stigmata, some wedge-shaped subterminal blotches in the interspaces before subterminal line, and the dark chequering of the fringe brown; inner and outer lines both strongly dentate, but rarely plain, except as streaks on inner margin; stigmata finely outlined with black, the orbicular narrow, oblique, the reniform broader, both, when clear, with a dark centre; the streak from base on submedian fold brown and indistinct; a brown shade often visible on submedian fold between

Aporophyla australis

The Feathered Brindle (Aporophyla australis) is a species of moth in the Noctuidae family. It is found in western and southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The wingspan is 36–42 mm.Forewing whitish grey with a slight lilac tinge; the veins darker, the costa, inner margin narrowly, a median shade between the stigmata, some wedge-shaped subterminal blotches in the interspaces before subterminal line, and the dark chequering of the fringe brown; inner and outer lines both strongly dentate, but rarely plain, except as streaks on inner margin; stigmata finely outlined with black, the orbicular narrow, oblique, the reniform broader, both, when clear, with a dark centre; the streak from base on submedian fold brown and indistinct; a brown shade often visible on submedian fold between