Apple mobile application processors

Apple Inc. has developed a range of "System on Chip" (SoC) as well as "System in Package" (SiP) mobile application processors for powering their mobile consumer devices. To meet the stringent power and space constraints common to mobile devices, these chips combine a central processing unit (CPU) with other components into a single compact physical package. Johny Srouji is the executive in charge of Apple's silicon design.

Apple mobile application processors

Apple Inc. has developed a range of "System on Chip" (SoC) as well as "System in Package" (SiP) mobile application processors for powering their mobile consumer devices. To meet the stringent power and space constraints common to mobile devices, these chips combine a central processing unit (CPU) with other components into a single compact physical package. Johny Srouji is the executive in charge of Apple's silicon design.