Appliance Art, Inc.

Appliance Art, Inc. is an American company specializing in transformational decor, mainly for kitchens. The company has invented products that instantly changes surfaces, either temporarily or permanently. These products have been featured in print media and television outlets including Better Homes & Gardens Kitchen & Bathroom Makeovers magazine, the New York Times (Jane Green's Creaky Cottage, July 12, 2015), and many other blogs and improvement sites.

Appliance Art, Inc.

Appliance Art, Inc. is an American company specializing in transformational decor, mainly for kitchens. The company has invented products that instantly changes surfaces, either temporarily or permanently. These products have been featured in print media and television outlets including Better Homes & Gardens Kitchen & Bathroom Makeovers magazine, the New York Times (Jane Green's Creaky Cottage, July 12, 2015), and many other blogs and improvement sites.