Apukshunnubbee District

Apukshunnubbee District was one of three administrative super-regions comprising the former Choctaw Nation in the Indian Territory. Also called the Second District, it encompassed the southeastern one-third of the nation. In judicial affairs, the three districts and their seats of government retained their historic influence. Crimes and criminals not tried at the county level were bucked to the district level automatically. Court days were the busiest days of the year in the district seats of government.

Apukshunnubbee District

Apukshunnubbee District was one of three administrative super-regions comprising the former Choctaw Nation in the Indian Territory. Also called the Second District, it encompassed the southeastern one-third of the nation. In judicial affairs, the three districts and their seats of government retained their historic influence. Crimes and criminals not tried at the county level were bucked to the district level automatically. Court days were the busiest days of the year in the district seats of government.