Aqua Fish

Aqua Fish is a smartphone produced by Intex Technologies that runs the GNU/Linux based Sailfish OS 2.0 released in July 2016 costing about Rs 5,000 (70 €). It is historically the first mobile device launched by OEM with Sailfish OS licensed from Jolla. The licensed OS allows to launch and use Android software simultaneously with native OS software (see: Sailfish OS for more details). It is the first device in a strategy for establishing Sailfish OS as the common and official operating system for the BRICS countries. The device was on display for the first time during World Mobile Congress 2016 at Barcelona in Spain.

Aqua Fish

Aqua Fish is a smartphone produced by Intex Technologies that runs the GNU/Linux based Sailfish OS 2.0 released in July 2016 costing about Rs 5,000 (70 €). It is historically the first mobile device launched by OEM with Sailfish OS licensed from Jolla. The licensed OS allows to launch and use Android software simultaneously with native OS software (see: Sailfish OS for more details). It is the first device in a strategy for establishing Sailfish OS as the common and official operating system for the BRICS countries. The device was on display for the first time during World Mobile Congress 2016 at Barcelona in Spain.