Aquarian tarot deck

The Aquarian Tarot Deck was first published by Morgan Press in 1970. It is now printed by AG Müller and distributed by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., a major North American tarot deck distributor. The deck was created and illustrated by David Palladini. Palladini combined the traditional Tarot symbolism with more recent Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles. The scenes are more close-up than, for example, in the case of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. "Psychic Tarot", written by Craig Junjulas, is illustrated with the Aquarian Tarot Deck and is sometimes sold as the companion text for the deck.

Aquarian tarot deck

The Aquarian Tarot Deck was first published by Morgan Press in 1970. It is now printed by AG Müller and distributed by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., a major North American tarot deck distributor. The deck was created and illustrated by David Palladini. Palladini combined the traditional Tarot symbolism with more recent Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles. The scenes are more close-up than, for example, in the case of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. "Psychic Tarot", written by Craig Junjulas, is illustrated with the Aquarian Tarot Deck and is sometimes sold as the companion text for the deck.