Architectural mythology

Architectural mythology means the symbolism of real-world architecture, as well as architecture described in mythological stories. In addition to language a myth could be represented by a painting, a sculpture or a building. It is about the overall story of an architectural work, often revealed through art. Not all stories surrounding an architectural work incorporate a level of myth. These stories can also be well hidden to the casual viewer and are often built into the conceptual design of the architectural statement.

Architectural mythology

Architectural mythology means the symbolism of real-world architecture, as well as architecture described in mythological stories. In addition to language a myth could be represented by a painting, a sculpture or a building. It is about the overall story of an architectural work, often revealed through art. Not all stories surrounding an architectural work incorporate a level of myth. These stories can also be well hidden to the casual viewer and are often built into the conceptual design of the architectural statement.