Ars poetica (Israel)

Ars poetica (Hebrew: ערס פואטיקה‎‎) is a contemporary Israeli poetry group. The name is at once a riff on Horace's Art of Poetry, and on Israeli slang term, ars, which means pimp in Arabic, but in contemporary Hebrew slang is a derogatory name for Mizrachi men. The group was started in about 2013 by Israeli poet Adi Keissar. Roy Hasan and Erez Biton are among the more notable members.

Ars poetica (Israel)

Ars poetica (Hebrew: ערס פואטיקה‎‎) is a contemporary Israeli poetry group. The name is at once a riff on Horace's Art of Poetry, and on Israeli slang term, ars, which means pimp in Arabic, but in contemporary Hebrew slang is a derogatory name for Mizrachi men. The group was started in about 2013 by Israeli poet Adi Keissar. Roy Hasan and Erez Biton are among the more notable members.