Asiatic rhinoceros beetle

The Asiatic rhinoceros beetle or coconut rhinoceros beetle, (Oryctes rhinoceros) is a species of rhinoceros beetle belonging to the Scarabaeidae family. O. rhinoceros attacks the developing fronds of Raffia, coconut, oil, and other palms in tropical Asia and a number of Pacific islands. Damaged fronds show typical triangular cuts. The beetle kills the palms (particularly newly planted ones) when the growing point is destroyed during feeding. The larvae do not damage crops, but instead grow in dead, decaying trunks and other organic matter.

Asiatic rhinoceros beetle

The Asiatic rhinoceros beetle or coconut rhinoceros beetle, (Oryctes rhinoceros) is a species of rhinoceros beetle belonging to the Scarabaeidae family. O. rhinoceros attacks the developing fronds of Raffia, coconut, oil, and other palms in tropical Asia and a number of Pacific islands. Damaged fronds show typical triangular cuts. The beetle kills the palms (particularly newly planted ones) when the growing point is destroyed during feeding. The larvae do not damage crops, but instead grow in dead, decaying trunks and other organic matter.