Asplenium azoricum

Asplenium azoricum is a fern from hybrid origin of the Aspleniaceae family, descendent of the Macaronesian ancestral fern Asplenium anceps. It lives exclusively in the Azores, that is a strict endemic Azorean fern. Its fronds are coriaceous like plastic and its rachis is very thick, dark garnet color and brilliance. A typical feature of this fern, which it shares with all the descendants of A. anceps, is the existence of a small atrium at the base of the medium and lower pinnae geared towards the apex of the frond with one or two sori in its underside.

Asplenium azoricum

Asplenium azoricum is a fern from hybrid origin of the Aspleniaceae family, descendent of the Macaronesian ancestral fern Asplenium anceps. It lives exclusively in the Azores, that is a strict endemic Azorean fern. Its fronds are coriaceous like plastic and its rachis is very thick, dark garnet color and brilliance. A typical feature of this fern, which it shares with all the descendants of A. anceps, is the existence of a small atrium at the base of the medium and lower pinnae geared towards the apex of the frond with one or two sori in its underside.