Association of the Polish Youth "Zet"

The Związek Młodzieży Polskiej "Zet" ("Union or Association of the Polish Youth "Zet"", abbreviated ZMP or more commonly Zet) was a clandestine organization of Polish students at universities of the three partitioning powers (Russia, Germany, Austria) and other European universities with larger groups of Polish students. Its aim was to bring together talented young men and further educate them as community leaders, pro-Polish agitators and possibly for a role in the civil service of a future Polish state. Universities where Zet was active included St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev (Russia), Warsaw (then in the Russian partition), Berlin, Breslau, Munich (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Kraków, Lemberg (Polish Lwów, then in the Austrian partition), Paris (France), Zürich, and Geneva (Switzerland).

Association of the Polish Youth "Zet"

The Związek Młodzieży Polskiej "Zet" ("Union or Association of the Polish Youth "Zet"", abbreviated ZMP or more commonly Zet) was a clandestine organization of Polish students at universities of the three partitioning powers (Russia, Germany, Austria) and other European universities with larger groups of Polish students. Its aim was to bring together talented young men and further educate them as community leaders, pro-Polish agitators and possibly for a role in the civil service of a future Polish state. Universities where Zet was active included St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev (Russia), Warsaw (then in the Russian partition), Berlin, Breslau, Munich (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Kraków, Lemberg (Polish Lwów, then in the Austrian partition), Paris (France), Zürich, and Geneva (Switzerland).