
Ataptatanū (Sanskrit:अतप्ततनू) – tapa (तप) means – 'to burn', 'heat up'; atapta (अतप्त) – means - 'not heated', 'cool', and tanū (तनू) – means - 'body', 'the physical self'; ataptatanū means – 'he whose body or mass is not prepared in fire', 'raw' The compound word, ataptatanū, appears in the below cited mantra of the IX Mandala of the Rig Veda. In a sukta addressed to Pavmāna Somo Devatā, Rishi Pavitra prays:- पवित्रं ते विततं ब्रह्मणस्पते प्रभुर्गात्राणि पर्येषि विश्वतः |अतप्ततनूर्न तदामो अश्नुते श्रृतास इद्वहन्तस्तत्समाशत || (Rig Veda IX.83.1) and which means –


Ataptatanū (Sanskrit:अतप्ततनू) – tapa (तप) means – 'to burn', 'heat up'; atapta (अतप्त) – means - 'not heated', 'cool', and tanū (तनू) – means - 'body', 'the physical self'; ataptatanū means – 'he whose body or mass is not prepared in fire', 'raw' The compound word, ataptatanū, appears in the below cited mantra of the IX Mandala of the Rig Veda. In a sukta addressed to Pavmāna Somo Devatā, Rishi Pavitra prays:- पवित्रं ते विततं ब्रह्मणस्पते प्रभुर्गात्राणि पर्येषि विश्वतः |अतप्ततनूर्न तदामो अश्नुते श्रृतास इद्वहन्तस्तत्समाशत || (Rig Veda IX.83.1) and which means –