Australian Institute of Marine Science

The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is a tropical marine research centre located primarily at Cape Ferguson, North Queensland, Australia. Established in 1972, by the Commonwealth of Australia, the institute's primary function is research for sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. The Institute investigates topics from broad-scale ecology to microbiology. Two smaller offices, in Perth, Western Australia, and Darwin, Northern Territory, provide direct links for research partners and clients in these regions.

Australian Institute of Marine Science

The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is a tropical marine research centre located primarily at Cape Ferguson, North Queensland, Australia. Established in 1972, by the Commonwealth of Australia, the institute's primary function is research for sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. The Institute investigates topics from broad-scale ecology to microbiology. Two smaller offices, in Perth, Western Australia, and Darwin, Northern Territory, provide direct links for research partners and clients in these regions.