Azure jay

The azure jay (Cyanocorax caeruleus) (Brazilian Portuguese: Gralha-azul - blue jay) is a passeriform bird of the crow family, Corvidae. It is found in the Atlantic Forest, especially with Araucaria angustifolia, in south-eastern Brazil (São Paulo to Rio Grande do Sul), far eastern Paraguay and far north-eastern Argentina. It is the state bird of Paraná.

Azure jay

The azure jay (Cyanocorax caeruleus) (Brazilian Portuguese: Gralha-azul - blue jay) is a passeriform bird of the crow family, Corvidae. It is found in the Atlantic Forest, especially with Araucaria angustifolia, in south-eastern Brazil (São Paulo to Rio Grande do Sul), far eastern Paraguay and far north-eastern Argentina. It is the state bird of Paraná.