B-convex space

In functional analysis, the class of B-convex spaces is a class of Banach space. The concept of B-convexity was defined and used to characterize Banach spaces that have the strong law of large numbers by Anatole Beck in 1962; accordingly, "B-convexity" is understood as an abbreviation of Beck convexity. Beck proved the following theorem: A Banach space is B-convex if and only if every sequence of independent, symmetric, uniformly bounded and Radon random variables in that space satisfies the strong law of large numbers. were shown to be equivalent Banach-space properties by Gilles Pisier.

B-convex space

In functional analysis, the class of B-convex spaces is a class of Banach space. The concept of B-convexity was defined and used to characterize Banach spaces that have the strong law of large numbers by Anatole Beck in 1962; accordingly, "B-convexity" is understood as an abbreviation of Beck convexity. Beck proved the following theorem: A Banach space is B-convex if and only if every sequence of independent, symmetric, uniformly bounded and Radon random variables in that space satisfies the strong law of large numbers. were shown to be equivalent Banach-space properties by Gilles Pisier.