BROG is the acronym for (We)blog Research on Genre, a project based in the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University, Bloomington. The BROG project is an informal research collaboration dedicated to the conduct of empirical, social science research on weblogs. Founded and directed by Susan Herring, a professor of Information Science at Indiana University and established researcher of computer-mediated communication, its past and present members include faculty, graduate students, and visiting scholars at Indiana University.


BROG is the acronym for (We)blog Research on Genre, a project based in the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University, Bloomington. The BROG project is an informal research collaboration dedicated to the conduct of empirical, social science research on weblogs. Founded and directed by Susan Herring, a professor of Information Science at Indiana University and established researcher of computer-mediated communication, its past and present members include faculty, graduate students, and visiting scholars at Indiana University.